A Comparison of ARIMA and GVM(1,1) models for Forecasting Rice Production in Iraq


  • Othman Mohammed Mahmood Hussein, Master in Statistics, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Accounting, Halabja Technical Institute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Iraq Author


Time series, ARIMA Model, Grey Verhulst Model


Time series forecasting is  a statistical method, involves analyzing past data patterns to predict future values. It is widely applied in various fields. This research compared the forecasting performance between ARIMA model and the Grey Verhulst Model GVM(1,1) model to determine the best method to forecast the rice production in Iraq. The data was obtained from the “International Production Assessment Division (IPAD)” website. The performance of the two models will be evaluated using various metrics, such as root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). From the result of the forecasting accuracy based on RMSE and MAPE showed that the values of RMSE and MAPE of ARIMA (1,1,2)  model is smaller than the values of GVM(1,1). it can be concluded that the performance of ARIMA is better than GVM (1,1)  to forecast the rice production in Iraq.






How to Cite

A Comparison of ARIMA and GVM(1,1) models for Forecasting Rice Production in Iraq. (2024). Journal of Kurdistani for Strategic Studies, 11. https://kissrjour.org/index.php/jkss/article/view/408